I wanted to explore how we could use the material that we used for 1&2 with 6, and also the material that we didn't use, in an improvisation between myself and one of the dancers.
It was to explore how we could form a relationship more specifically between two of us within the space and how my knowledge and viewing of the whole piece could inform my own movement research. We were focussing on what our relationship was; were we aware of each other visibly, or was it a more subtle connection?
Watching some of the footage, it became evident that constant movement is important in the space in order for the dynamic to remain. We began to find interesting relationships through practice and I found I was able to relate to Lydias movement because of my knowledge of it.
Interesting moments emerged from allowing a movement to develop and intensify between us-allowing a moment of acknowledgement which naturally dissipated from one another.
Rehearsing with Lydia
Using the structure of walking in circles, I gave Lydia and myself the task to, whilst walking in circles, introduce some of our movement, with my awareness of Lydia’s phrases, I would try to relate to her, and draw some connections between us, but also trying to contract our energies.
Some reflections during rehearsal on this included;
- highlighting the importance of being aware of the possibilities of changing the direction of the circle
- knowing the others material
- never leaving but also possibility of feeling alone in space.
- having some shared phrases which you can choose to join, or not join.
- knowing your intention.
- having extremely contracting energies, or also choosing to have the same.
- necessity for a constant walker/movement as when there is a complete stop in the flow - if this does happen it needs to be carefully considered; and perhaps is what was so impactful in the previous choreography because of the very subtle slowing at the end which gradually draws to a close, almost without the audience realising.
- doing your own ‘thing’ but being very aware of the other.
- just doing - the importance of necessity and the essential, but being free inside this.
- it is a bit like living with two people; two people together in a home; private, communal, shared, with pockets of ….. e.g. somewhere in-between (2006).
-it is interesting to rehearse inside in a studio because we took the outside inside, to rehearse, extracted outside, and now we have taken it inside again-to also take it outside afterwards.
Rehearsing with Dominique
The memory of the choreography, 1&2 with 6 has replaced the memory of the walk. Because of doing it so many times and each time making decisions about the location the movement is used.
Walking in circles changes the choreography a lot but the key is maintaining the front but with some flexibility, as the risk that can be taken and the importance of a heightened awareness is exciting and interesting for the viewer. Furthermore, when we consider a walk, we are often always looking around. By taking that away, one is much more present because of the restriction, and also the necessity to take the whole self back with them. Overall, I must consider the documentation and evidence of this the priority.
Reflecting on this afterwards;
It is interesting to try the material with someone else and see how I can relate to them. My material is still too related to the walk and needs to be better known-choosing specific movements to remember - as the pragmatism of Lydias use of the movement is very clear. This therefore does not make the movement narrative, it is rather used for practicality, highlighting its use without anything extra.
Using walking in spirals/circles immediately creates a relationship between us and makes it interesting to watch from the front due to the perspective which becomes very apparent. This gives me the image of not only people walking, overtaking and slowing and their position changing, as in a car race.
I am questioning wether in moments of relation the audience needs to be aware that we are aware of one another. e.g. by sharing a phrase of movement, or through the focus. I am also wondering about the idea of opposition which can develop into doing the same.