Supported by the IG Tanz Essen, the work began during a three day 'tiny tiny' residency at Maschinenhaus Essen during 'somebody@maschinenhaus 2024'.
Returning to solo ‘being with the Brandenburg Concertos No.1’ (October 2022) Jennie has begun to work on 'Part 2'. Further pursuing the subject of our being in the world, and what is our relation to the world around us. How do environments; place and space shape us and our movements, and likewise how can we shape the places and spaces that we traverse and inhabit. From the mundane, to the nonsense and absurd.
"I am curious to work further with text, sound and visual arts and most importantly the physical body. Interested in the simplicity of time and space, music and visuals I am curious to see how movement can express, and exist amongst other modes of expression."
Finding her interest in discovering her own movement, constantly deepening and evolving; through improvisation and composition, Jennie is more and more curious about her role as performer and the relationship between performer and the audience. Inspired by daily life, she is driven to continue to challenge and discover the possibilities, and limits of the physical body in performance. Through the present, absent and imagined states she strives to navigate and wonder if it is possible to make tangible the surreality of our existence.

Podcast episode recorded during the Tiny tiny residency @ maschinenhaus Essen with Judith Ayuso